Ballast Research is now Penta. We are the world’s first comprehensive stakeholder solutions firm.

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Direct feedback from senior policymakers allows our clients to validate impact, understand opportunities, and determine optimal strategy and investment for future success.

Case Studies

Case Study Tying Philanthropy to Constituent Impact How our research helped a client highlight the impact of its philanthropy to…

Scheduling Form

Send the following form to advocates to complete and return when they request meetings. Click here to download and save the…

Case Study

Building a Post-Merger Advocacy Presence

How Ballast helped a client expand its most effective advocacy strategies to a new acquisition.

Case Study

Tying Philanthropy to Constituent Impact

How our research helped a client highlight the impact of its philanthropy to key policymakers.

Case Study

Assessing Grassroots Effectiveness

How our research helped a client strengthen the cadence and quality of its policymaker engagements.

Case Study

Validating Bipartisan Support

How Ballast helped a client validate — and strengthen — its presence on both sides of the aisle.

State Advocacy Consulting

Our Process International corporations and regional organizations across the country work with Ballast to understand each state’s unique policy environment.…

Federal Advocacy Consulting

Our Process Fortune 500 companies, trade associations, and nonprofits rely on Ballast’s research to build more effective engagement within federal…

Our Team

Justin Bernstein Associate Justin Bernstein is an associate at Ballast Research Communications Advisory where he works with clients from…